Frequently Asked Questions & Answers


1. What is the target group?

This virtual program is for learners of all ages, genders and nationalities from all over the world!
Material is presented at a high school/university level but everyone is welcome to join.

2. What are the prerequisites to enroll?

No pre-requisites. Just curiosity, desire to learn and discover!

3. Is enrollment free?

There are two enrollment categories:

A: Womanium AstroBiology Scholar
❯ Free

Womanium strives to make its programs accessible to any and all students who are excited to learn, regardless of their financial capabilities.
To that end, you may apply to be a Womanium AstroBiology Scholar
By being accepted as a scholar, you commit to active and full participation from beginning-to-end of the program, including attending the sessions, completing the module project, and submitting a short evaluation at the end of the module.
❯❯ This opportunity is especially for young students and female learners between the ages of 15 and 25, but any and all are welcome to apply.
❯❯ Enter Code: WOMANIUMSCHOLAR in Luma registration and be sure to answer scholar-only sections in the application.

B: Participant
❯ $ 25 USD

We ask students who are able to pay a minimal enrollment fee to support the program.

Choose your right category correctly while you enroll in the program.

4. Are men allowed? (Are only women allowed?)

Womanium programs are open to each and all! Everyone is allowed and encouraged to apply and learn, including men.
All Womanium programs are equally open to all on the basis of interest and merit.
A higher proportion of all Womanium Scholarships are geared towards young women in STEM between 15-25 years of age, as Womanium aims to advance cutting edge STEM+Entrepreneurship domains with an added focus to encourage and enable young girls and women to enter cutting edge STEM domains and become leaders in STEM+Entrepreneurship. (Hence, the name!)

5. I applied. What is next?

Great! Enrolling is the first step. Apply only once.
After that, you will get the details to access the platforms before the program starts. Mark "" as a safe sender in your email.


1. What will I learn?

You will learn about different areas of AstroBiology from the leaders in the field and you will develop AstroBiology missions in small groups/teams.
All successful students will be awarded the Womanium Biology+Astrobiology Module Certificate.

2. How much time do I need? How much time should I allocate?


You should join live sessions and talks; you will learn astrobiology concepts from the speakers and panels along with fundamental presentation, collaborative, and leadership skills in weekly workshops.


Throughout the duration of the program you will be expected to work incremetally on your mission development proposal. You will initiate your project ideas in groups/teams that you form, and you will work on your mission throughout the module. Deliverables must be submitted during the second-to-last week of the module. Finalists will be selected and notified by Tuesday of the final week; the final competition will be on September 23 (Saturday).

Throughout the duration of the program you will be expected to work incremetally on your mission proposal. You will learn astrobiology concepts from the speakers each week, along with fundamental presentation, collaborative, and leadership skills. You will initiate your project ideas in groups & teams that you will form at the beginning of the eight weeks, and will continue to work and submit a pitch in the seventh week. Finalists will be selected and invited to compete on 23 September 2023.

3. What time zone is the program in?

11am – 12pm US Eastern Daylight Time Zone
Find your corresponding local time ❯ HERE

4. Will there be recordings? Is live participation mandatory?

Yes. There will be recordings of the sessions, if you cannot join live sessions due to time zones. You will be able to watch the recordings, ask questions, collaborate with others and do the work online via our platforms.
Some sessions might not be uploaded if permission has not been given.
Hence, we strongly encourage you to attend the live sessions and participate actively in the Q&A. It is more interactive and also more fun!

5. Will I receive a certificate?

Yes, all participants who complete the entire module will receive a Womanium Biology+Astrobiology Certificate.

6. What equipment do I need?

Internet & Interest!
Ignite your curiosity, desire to learn and discover!


Washington DC USA



Womanium is a not-for-profit organization headquartered in Washington, DC. Womanium works with US government agencies such as ARPA-E, DARPA, NIH, NASA, etc. for women’s advancement in STEM+ Entrepreneurship in domains ranging from Energy, Space, Astronomy, and Telescopes, Computational Neuroscience, Industrial Additive Manufacturing Automation, Transportation to Nuclear Weapons Safety.


More questions?

Email us at: Biology [at]